Okay, 13 More Things About Me That Start With The Letter "H"!
1. Happy Birthday To Me! ~ Today is my 44th birthday! WooHoo! I was born at 1:20 am. My mom went into labor while my dad was working late. She was only in labor for two hours. I was three weeks late so I was ready to come into the world. I weighed 8 pounds 6 ounces and was only nineteen inches long. I was a chunk! And the spitting image of my daddy. :o)
No people, he did NOT look lke a bulldog! Very funny.
2. Hugs ~ I'm a good hugger. No a great hugger! And I'm not afraid to give you one if you want it. I think people need that physical contact daily. So go ahead...find someone to hug and let 'em know how much you love 'em!
3. Husband ~ His name is David and we will celebrate our 24th anniversary on September 8th. He's very talented in just about every which way you can imagine. Seriously.
4. Handicapped ~ I may have arthritis, and there might be a whole lot I cannot do, but please do not call me handicapped! I just do things different than you do. Where there is a will there is a way! And when I can't figure how to do it on my own I yell, "David!".
5. Height ~ I'm a shorty. Five foot three inches. On a good hair day you can add another inch!
6. Hubba, Hubba ~ In my house we say hubba, hubba for a very nice looking man. And I think Antonio Banderas, a younger Mel Gibson, Brad Pitt and my husband are all hubba, hubba!
7. Ham ~ I used to hate ham until I had my knees replaced. My iron got extremely low and they were not going to let me go home until I had it built up again. Let's just say I ate lots of ham sandwiches and learned it's not so bad.
8. Hop On One Foot ~ When my kids were little they were always whining about something hurting them. I kinda got tired of it so if I knew they were okay I would ask them, "Can you still hop on one foot?" They would hop and then start laughing and forget what they were crying about. Happy kid. Even happier mom!
9. Hot Dogs & Hamburgers ~ I'll kill two birds here. I love my hot dogs on the burnt side when we grill. And I prefer my hamburgers to be really thin and crispy.
10. Hurst Olds ~ I do love me a Mustang, but I would also love to have a Hurst Olds.

11. Hotels ~ I've been blessed to travel a bit, but one of my favorite hotels I ever stayed in was the Tower Hotel in London. Why? Just look at the view.....

12. Happy ~ It doesn't take much to make me happy. My husband appreciates this about me. If I get a free pen or a sample of anything I'm a happy camper. When good things happen to others I am happy for them. I like to be happy and stay positive, even in difficult circumstances.
13. Heaven~ Because I have accepted Christ as my Savior I know with all my heart that some day I will be in Heaven for all eternity!
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I have many years over you...but I just know you're gonna have a super day.
If you can find time...stop by my 13.
High five! We're both 1964s! Whoot Whoot!!
Happy Happy Birthday! Look at all you achieved in that time - amazing
Happy TT!
I wasn't long into this list before I realized you were H for Happy! And happy birthday to you.
Happy Birthday Ms. Leo!! I hope you have a great day. Happy TT too:)
I love your list!
Happy Birthday to you!
The hotel in London looks sooo cool... how fun to stay there!
And, as a born again Christian myself I know I will meet you in Heaven one day.
Happy Thursday!
I see you love giraffes. We had the *cutest* baby giraffe at our local zoo. I'll have to post of picture of it for you soon! :)
As for me, I love elephants!!
Oops, meant to say that we "have" a baby giraffe, not "had". It's still there.
What a great list. I hope your birthday was awesome.
Happy Birthday, Amy. I know we would be friends in the "real" world. It is such a pleasure to hear a wife say complimentary things about her husband, and to hear thankful sentiments. :)
Happy Birthday!!! :D I hope you're having a wonderful day!!
"May you feel Jesus near every day of this year!"
Love your list.
Enjoy your special day!!!
BLessings, Faith
Happy Birthday from another shorty blogger :) (I'm 5'2 and a half") haha
A very happy birthday! I hope your hubba hubba hubby has something very special planned. If not, come up to my place and I'll take you out! :)
Have a very happy birthday! I hope hubby is taking you out for dinner somewhere nice :o)
Happy Birthday! Happy TT
Nice T13 - Happy Birthday!
Love the view from your hotel in London...
Happy birthday!
I'm 5'3 too! Imagine that.
Hope you are having a FABULOUS day, and have a bite of your husband's famous chocolate mousse cake for me.
Birthday HUGS,
Happy Birthday Amy! I hope you're having a wonderful celebration. I didn't realize we were so close in age!
An Island Life
Happy Birthday happy lady!
Agree with you on #6 (well, except about your husband since I don't know him).
Especially liked #13. See you there...
Have a wonderful birthday. Great TT!! :)
I'm sorry I'm late, but a very happy belated birthday wishes to you Amy! Hope you had a wonderful day!
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